About Us


1st recess Wednesdays (non-food items)
After School Wednesdays & Fridays (food items)

Brief Description

Krazy Kougar is a Keaau High School student's senior project on sustainability (See more in detail about the project in the topic "Relation to Senior Project" below). The store is operated by the Civics Club with the help of other students. The store is located upstairs H-building across from Mrs. Timbal's room and operates on Wednesdays and Fridays after school. On occassion, it may be open at lunch, selling non-food items. Stop by for smoothies, sandwiches, school supplies, containers, whole fruits  and more! Don't forget to B.Y.O.C.(Bring your own container) OR purchase one of ours. Check out our menu which shows what containers are possible to certain food items. Most items, you do have the choice of hacing in an eco-friendly napkin! So don't worry about always needing a container! Stop by when we're open because sometimes we may have some KRAZY good sales!

Our Plan

Through Krazy Kougar, we will introduce a new sustainable system of selling food. This is called B.Y.O.C., which is an acronym for Bring Your Own Container. Our consumers can choose to either bring their own container or purchase one of our reusable containers. This system will encourage students to further their green acts towards a better environment. Data of how much trash would have been added to our landfills will be recorded and displayed to throughout the year so that everyone is aware of the positive impact they are making by using their own containers. Eventually, the data will be shared with fast food restaurants in the community so that they can see an example of how this system can make an outstanding difference. Furthering our green acts, we make sure to purchase ingredients with minimal packaging. That’s why most of our food is purchased at our local farmers market!  

Our Strategy

We follow the fun theme “Krazy Kougar” and hope that the theme will excite students, faculty and staff to purchase food, supplies and spirit items at our store.  Our bottles are designed with catchy slogans related to the B.Y.O.C. system. Products are sold at a price near the price purchased simply because we're not trying to make a profit, but rather just promote the B.Y.O.C. system. Although, any profits made is donated to local charities. From October 2012- December 2012, $100 were donated to Kokua Hawaii Foundation. Our customers are rewarded for their green acts by being entered into drawings with the purchase of our containers.

Relation to Senior Project

This store is for a Senior project and the thesis statement is, “Fast food packaging litters our streets, clogs our landfills and depletes our southern forests. This can be lessened by reducing, ressing and recycling”. Sustainability is one of the keys to improving our world. Research shows that a majority of our trash is indeed from fast food packaging and food. We're keping track of how much trash would have been sent to our landfills every time someone purchases an item that would have had packaging in the average fast food restaurant. We also decorate by reusing many items, such as magazines (our refrigerator is covered in old magazines). When purchasing food, we make sure to purchase food with the least amount of packaging.

Contact information:

Cherese Shelton

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